
An Evening With Griff Rhys Jones

An Evening With Griff Rhys Jones


Friday 4 Apr 202519:30 (Sold Out)

An Evening with Griff Rhys Jones....but it doesn't take the whole evening

A Fundraiser for Theatr Gwaun and POINT

Griff Rhys Jones is a Welshman by birth and Pembrokeshire holds a special place in his life.

He has followed a career from Not The Nine O’clock News to Three Men in a Boat via Restoration and It’ll Be Alright On The Night. 

Join him for an hour and a half of thoughts, opinions, stories and anecdotes. Pembrokeshire may well feature. Australia and Africa probably will. Mel Smith should get a look in. Wrestling crocodiles in the jungle definitely. Ranging wide over television experiences, extraordinary travel shows and basic family life he promises a few laughs and memories.

Griff invites all your questions in the second half. A comedy show in a good cause. All proceeds will go to help Theatr Gwaun and POINT.

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Cymro o enedigaeth yw Griff Rhys Jones ac mae gan Sir Benfro le arbennig yn ei fywyd.

Mae wedi dilyn gyrfa o Not The Nine O’clock News i Three Men in a Boat drwy Restoration a It’ll Be Alright On The Night.

Ymunwch ag ef am awr a hanner o feddyliau, safbwyntiau, straeon ac anecdotau. Mae'n bosibl iawn bod Sir Benfro yn nodwedd. Mae'n debyg y bydd Awstralia ac Affrica. Dylai Mel Smith gael golwg i mewn. Reslo crocodeiliaid yn y jyngl yn bendant. Gan amrywio'n eang dros brofiadau teledu, sioeau teithio rhyfeddol a bywyd teuluol sylfaenol mae'n addo ychydig o chwerthin ac atgofion.

Mae Griff yn gwahodd eich holl gwestiynau yn yr ail hanner. Sioe gomedi mewn achos da. Bydd yr holl elw yn mynd i helpu Theatr Gwaun a POINT.

FFS Vermiglio (15)

FFS Vermiglio


Thursday 3 Apr 202519:30 (Fishguard Film Society)

Director: Maura Delpero/2024/Italy/119mins/Subtitles

1944. In Vermiglio, a mountain village where the war is a distant but always threatening presence, the arrival of Pietro, a soldier trying to escape the bloodshed disrupts the dynamics of the local schoolmaster’s family, changing them forever.

This is a superbly photographed drama about secrets and lies.

Film classification: 15

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Cyfarwyddwr: Maura Delpero/2024/Eidal/119munud/Isdeitlau

1944. Yn Vermiglio, pentref mynydd lle mae'r rhyfel yn bresenoldeb pell ond bob amser bygythiol, mae dyfodiad Pietro, milwr sy'n ceisio dianc o'r tywallt gwaed yn amharu ar ddeinameg teulu'r ysgolfeistr lleol, gan eu newid am byth.

Dyma ddrama ffotograffig wych am gyfrinachau a chelwyddau.

Dosbarthiad ffilm: 15

Mickey 17 (15)

Mickey 17


Wednesday 2 Apr 202511:00 (Relaxed. Subtitled)14:00 (Relaxed. Subtitled)19:30 (Subtitled)

Director: Bong Joon Ho/2025/South Korea,USA/137mins  

Wanting to leave Earth, the financially destitute Mickey (Robert Pattinson) signs up to become a disposable clone worker, known as an “expendable” on an ice planet colonised by humans. As an expendable, Mickey undertakes dangerous and fatal assignments, with a new body being regenerated each time he dies.

After one of his clones is incorrectly assumed dead, both the previous and current versions of Mickey must grapple with the nature of being expendables and the brutal government of the colony.

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Cyfawrwyddwr: Bong Joon Ho/2025/South Korea,USA/137munud

Oherwydd problemau ariannol, mae Mickey (Robert Pattinson) yn awyddus i adael y Ddaear. Mae’n arwyddo i fod yn weithiwr clon ar blaned iâ sydd wedi'i gwladychu gan fodau dynol. Mae Mickey yn ymgymryd ag aseiniadau peryglus ac angheuol, ac yn derbyn corff newydd bob tro y bydd yn marw.

Rhaid i Mickey fynd i'r afael â natur ei sefyllfa fregus yn sgil penderfyniadau llywodraeth greulon y wladfa.

Mr. Burton (12A)

Mr. Burton


Friday 4 Apr 202514:00

Director: Marc Evans/ 2025/UK/124mins

In the Welsh town of Port Talbot, 1942, wayward schoolboy Richard Jenkins is caught between the pressures of his struggling family, a devastating war and his own ambitions. However, his life begins to change when his natural talent for drama catches the attention of his teacher, Philip Burton. Taking Richard under his wing, Philip’s strict tutelage sets him on his path to becoming one of the world’s greatest actors – Richard Burton. 

The remarkable true story of one of Wales’ finest talents, starring Toby Jones and Lesley Manville.

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Cyfarwyddwr: Marc Evans/ 2025/UK/124munud

Yn nhref Port Talbot, 1942, mae’r bachgen ysgol ystyfnig Richard Jenkins yn delio â thrafferthion teuluol, rhyfel dinistriol a’i uchelgais personol. Ond, mae ei fywyd yn dechrau gwella pan fydd ei ddawn naturiol am ddrama yn dal sylw ei athro, Philip Burton. Gan gymryd Richard o dan ei adain, mae hyfforddiant llym Philip yn ei osod ar lwybr i ddod yn un o actorion mwyaf y byd - Richard Burton.

Stori wir ryfeddol un o dalentau gorau Cymru, gyda Toby Jones a Lesley Manville yn serennu.