Director: Jianping Li, Salvador Simo/Spain,China/2024/98mins
In ancient China, dragons are on the brink of extinction and have been banished from the kingdom. When one of the last remaining dragon eggs falls into the hands of a young orphan named Ping, she must embark on a perilous journey to save dragons from extinction and fulfil her destiny.
A fun and exciting adventure for the whole family, featuring the voice talents of Bill Nighy and Bill Bailey.
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Cyfarwyddwr: Jianping Li, Salvador Simo/Sbaen,China/2024/98munud
Yn Tsieina hynafol, mae dreigiau ar fin diflannu ac wedi cael eu halltudio o'r deyrnas. Pan fydd un o’r wyau draig olaf sy’n weddill yn syrthio i ddwylo merch amddifad ifanc o’r enw Ping, rhaid iddi gychwyn ar daith beryglus i achub dreigiau rhag difodiant a chyflawni ei thynged.
Antur hwyliog a chyffrous i’r teulu cyfan, yn cynnwys doniau llais Bill Nighy a Bill Bailey.