On Land's Edge Festival 2024

OLE - FADDS Youth Promenade Theatre Workshop

OLE - FADDS Youth Promenade Theatre Workshop


Saturday 21 Sep 202409:30

The FADDS Youth Team return for another Festival Promenade Theatre session to brighten up our Saturday Programme! They will take our festival theme of 'borders' and weave their creative genius through it to produce this year's alfresco (and indoor) entertainment along the Golden Mile (and TG's stage).

Aged between 8 and 16? Join us for a FREE workshop session at Fishguard Market Hall in the morning 9:30am until 12:00pm, as we put the finishing touches to our performance.

Mae FADDS Youth yn dychwelyd am sesiwn Theatr Promenâd yr Ŵyl arall i fywiogi ein Rhaglen Sadwrn! Byddant yn mynd â thema ein gŵyl o 'ffiniau' ac yn gweu eu hathrylith greadigol drwyddi i gynhyrchu adloniant alfresco (a dan do) eleni ar hyd y Filltir Aur (a llwyfan TG).

Rhwng 8 ac 16 oed? Ymunwch â ni am sesiwn gweithdy AM DDIM yn Neuadd y Farchnad Abergwaun yn y bore 9:30yb tan 12:00yp, wrth i ni orffen ein perfformiad.

OLE - Colours of the Coast

OLE - Colours of the Coast


Saturday 21 Sep 202410:00 (Sold Out)

Join FAS artists, Kate Kelly and Mel Wilmott.  No prior experience or equipment is required, just bring your enthusiasm and willingness to explore the possibilities of paint and paper.

Crossing the border from the natural world and focusing on coastal colours, textures and shapes, using expressive watercolour techniques, we will create resource sheets to construct stunning A3 collages.

Ymunwch ag artistiaid FAS, Kate Kelly a Mel Wilmott. Nid oes angen unrhyw brofiad neu offer blaenorol, dewch â'ch brwdfrydedd a'ch parodrwydd i archwilio posibiliadau paent a phapur.

Gan groesi'r ffin o fyd natur a chanolbwyntio ar liwiau, gweadau a siapiau arfordirol, gan ddefnyddio technegau dyfrlliw mynegiannol, byddwn yn creu taflenni adnoddau i adeiladu darn o waith A3 trawiadol.

OLE - Carreg Coast (PG)

OLE - Carreg Coast


Saturday 21 Sep 202411:00 (Relaxed Screening)

"Carreg Coast" is a stunning intimate film portrait of the Pembrokeshire coast between Goodwick Parrog and Needle Rock. Journey into caves, small bays, and remote beaches enjoying the wonderful colours, textures, and scenery that make up this spectacular coastline. Dip beneath the waves and wonder at the variety of  aquatic flora and fauna, imaginatively captured, edited and set to the music from "Finisterre" by local composer, David Pepper. In 2023 "Carreg Coast" won official selection to the Attic Theatre International Film Festival. A wonderful cinema experience and a rare opportunity to see this film on the big screen once more.

Mae "Arfordir Carreg" yn bortread ffilm agos-atoch syfrdanol o arfordir Sir Benfro rhwng Parrog Wdig a Needle Rock. Taith i mewn i ogofâu, baeau bach, a thraethau anghysbell gan fwynhau'r lliwiau, y gweadau a'r golygfeydd bendigedig sy'n rhan o'r arfordir ysblennydd hwn. Trochwch o dan y tonnau a rhyfeddwch at yr amrywiaeth o fflora a ffawna dyfrol, wedi'u dal yn ddychmygus, eu golygu a'u gosod i gerddoriaeth o "Finisterre" gan y cyfansoddwr lleol, David Pepper. Yn 2023 enillodd "Carreg Coast" ddetholiad swyddogol i Ŵyl Ffilm Ryngwladol Attic Theatre. Profiad sinema bendigedig a chyfle prin i weld y ffilm hon ar y sgrin fawr unwaith eto.

OLE 24 - Festival Sea Swim

OLE 24 - Festival Sea Swim


Saturday 21 Sep 202411:00

Join us for this year's Festival Sea Swim (Off Land's Edge) as local swimmers and cold water swim enthusiasts take the plunge, festival style! Our intrepid sea dippers will be rewarded with alfresco folk, courtesy of Filkin's Drift, completing the festival vibe.

Ymunwch â ni ar gyfer Nofio Môr yr Ŵyl eleni (Dros Ymyl y Tir) wrth i nofwyr lleol a selogion nofio dŵr oer fentro, yn null yr ŵyl! Bydd ein trochwyr môr dewr yn cael eu gwobrwyo â gwerin alfresco, trwy garedigrwydd Filkin's Drift, yn cwblhau naws yr ŵyl.

Mae’r digwyddiad yn rhad ac am ddim wrth gwrs, ond cofiwch archebu lle i gofrestru eich diddordeb er mwyn ein galluogi i roi’r wybodaeth ddiweddaraf i chi os bydd unrhyw newidiadau i amseroedd y diwrnod.

OLE - FADDS Youth Promenade Theatre Performance

OLE - FADDS Youth Promenade Theatre Performance


Saturday 21 Sep 202413:15

The FADDS Youth Team return for another Festival Promenade Theatre session to brighten up our Saturday Programme! They will take our festival theme of 'borders' and weave their creative genius through it to produce this year's alfresco (and indoor) entertainment along the Golden Mile (and TG's stage).

Aged 0 – 100? Join us for a FREE unique experience in Promenade Theatre.  Gather at Fishguard Town Hall at 1:15pm, the performance concludes at Theatr Gwaun at approximately 2:30pm.

Mae FADDS Youth yn dychwelyd am sesiwn Theatr Promenâd yr Ŵyl arall i fywiogi ein Rhaglen Sadwrn! Byddant yn mynd â thema ein gŵyl o 'ffiniau' ac yn gweu eu hathrylith greadigol drwyddi i gynhyrchu adloniant alfresco (a dan do) eleni ar hyd y Filltir Aur (a llwyfan TG).

0 – 100 oed? Ymunwch â ni am brofiad unigryw AM DDIM yn Theatr y Promenâd. Ymgynnull yn Neuadd y Dref Abergwaun am 1:15yp, daw'r perfformiad i ben yn Theatr Gwaun am tua 2:30yp.

OLE24 - Creative Writing Workshops - E

OLE24 - Creative Writing Workshops - E


Sunday 22 Sep 202410:00 (Workshop in English)

Workshop In English

Richard Gwyn: In this workshop we will consider some of the ways in which a writer might engage with myth, memory and the stories absorbed in childhood. We will use the story of Orpheus and Eurydice to explore ideas about the underworld, and what that myth might represent for a contemporary readership. By considering responses from writers such as Margaret Atwood and Hilary Mantel, we will discuss our own ideas about intentionality, loss, and new beginnings, and the ways in which the study of myth can nourish our own writing.

Yn y gweithdy hwn byddwn yn ystyried sut y gall awdur ymgysylltu â myth, y cof a straeon eu plentyndod. Byddwn yn defnyddio stori Orpheus ac Eurydice i archwilio syniadau am yr isfyd, a beth allai'r myth hwnnw gynrychioli ar gyfer darllenwyr cyfoes. Trwy ystyried ymatebion awduron fel Margaret Atwood a Hilary Mantel, byddwn yn trafod ein syniadau ein hunain am fwriadoldeb, colled, a dechreuadau newydd, a'r ffyrdd y gall astudio myth feithrin ein gwaith ein hunain.

OLE24 - Creative Writing Workshops - C

OLE24 - Creative Writing Workshops - C


Sunday 22 Sep 202410:00 (Gweithdy yn Gymraeg)

Gweithdy yn Gymraeg

Jon Gower: Ysgrifennu am le: beth yw'ch hoff le, eich ‘milltir sgwâr’ a sut mae'n bosib cyfleu'r hyn sy'n arbennig am y lle? Mewn sesiwn o sgrifennu creadigol bydd yr awdur Jon Gower yn cyflwyno ac yn trafod creu lluniau drwy eiriau, defnyddio'r synhwyrau, casglu gwybodaeth o fapiau a gwneud ymchwil yn y maes, mewn llyfrau ac ar-lein.

Writing about place: what's your favourite place, your ‘square mile’ and how might one express what's special about it? In a creative writing session author Jon Gower will present and discuss creating pictures from words, employing the senses, gathering information from maps and in the field and how to do research in the open air, in books and online.

OLE - Young People’s Poetry Workshops - C

OLE - Young People’s Poetry Workshops - C


Sunday 22 Sep 202413:00 (Gweithdy yn Gymraeg)

Gweithdy yn Gymraeg

Ceri Wyn Jones: Mae Ceri yn fardd sydd wedi ei fagu mewn ardal lle mae caeau’r wlad a glan y môr yn cwrdd â’i gilydd. Bydd ei weithdy ef yn canolbwyntio ar gael hwyl wrth chwarae â geiriau, syniadau a seiniau, gan ddefnyddio’r traeth a’r môr (ac un o’n chwedlau glan-môr enwocaf ni) fel sbardun.

Ceri is a poet who was brought up in an area where rural fields meet the seaside. His workshop will focus on the fun that is part and parcel of playing with words, ideas and sounds, using the beach and the sea (and one of our best-known legends) as inspiration.

Where possible we don't want cost to be a barrier to entry for children attending the festival and thanks to a generous offer of support, we can now offer 'Funded Tickets' for our Poetry Workshops. If you would like to attend one of our two Poetry Workshops (one conducted in Welsh and one in English), but were put off due to the cost, please feel free to select the "Funded Ticket" option - £ 0 when you book your ticket.

OLE - Young People’s Poetry Workshops - E

OLE - Young People’s Poetry Workshops - E


Sunday 22 Sep 202413:00 (Workshop in English)

Workshop in English

Hanan Issa: Hanan is the author and editor of the children’s poetry book anthology And I Hear Dragons (Firefly Press). Hanan will lead a workshop based on the themes of the book - identity, belonging and Welshness in the hope that, together, we can unleash our inner dragon!

Hanan yw awdur a golygydd y gyfrol farddoniaeth i blant And I Hear Dragons (Firefly Press). Bydd Hanan yn arwain gweithdy yn seiliedig ar themâu'r gyfrol – hunaniaeth, perthyn a Chymreictod yn y gobaith, gyda'n gilydd, y gallwn ryddhau ein draig fewnol!

Where possible we don't want cost to be a barrier to entry for children attending the festival and thanks to a generous offer of support, we can now offer 'Funded Tickets' for our Poetry Workshops. If you would like to attend one of our two Poetry Workshops (one conducted in Welsh and one in English), but were put off due to the cost, please feel free to select the "Funded Ticket" option - £ 0 when you book your ticket.

OLE - Swanning Around

OLE - Swanning Around


Sunday 22 Sep 202415:00

Inspired by this year's Puppet Theatre Show, The Ugly Duckling, Melissa Pettitt returns to the festival with 'Swanning Around'. Join Melissa straight after the Puppet Show for this year's Puppet Making Workshop and create your own, beautiful Swan!

The workshop is available to all ages, but children under 8 need to be accompanied by a parent or carer. Places are limited to 20, so please do book early!

Wedi'i hysbrydoli gan y Sioe Theatr Bypedau eleni, The Ugly Duckling, mae Melissa Pettitt yn dychwelyd i'r ŵyl gyda 'Swanning Around'. Ymunwch â Melissa yn syth ar ôl y Sioe Bypedau ar gyfer y Gweithdy Gwneud Pypedau eleni a chreu eich Alarch hardd eich hun!

Mae’r gweithdy ar gael i bob oed, ond mae angen i blant dan 8 oed fod yng nghwmni rhiant neu ofalwr. Mae lleoedd yn gyfyngedig i 20, felly archebwch yn gynnar!

OLE - Sketching on the Gwaun

OLE - Sketching on the Gwaun


Sunday 22 Sep 202415:00

Like to sketch? Need to unwind for a couple of hours? Then please join FAS artists, Judith Leyland and Barbara Price and enjoy a relaxing two hours drawing and mark making along the secluded path bordered by the Gwaun river and the border between the sea and the river.

Hoffi braslunio? Angen ymlacio am ychydig oriau? Yna ymunwch ag artistiaid FAS, Judith Leyland a Barbara Price i fwynhau dwy awr hamddenol yn darlunio a gwneud marciau ar hyd y llwybr diarffordd sy’n ffinio ag afon Gwaun a’r ffin rhwng y môr a’r afon.