On Land's Edge Festival 2024

OLE - Dancing The Landscape

Main 4K

Friday 20 Sep 2024, 20:00  - ends at 20:50

Seamlessly woven into Small World Theatre's Lantern Parade for the new art trails for Fishguard and Goodwick project, Art Afoot / Celf ar Droed, our festival launch continues on from Fishguard Square as Joon Dance lead us down to Theatr Gwaun to perform their site specific dance piece, turning your attention to the spaces found within, whilst drawing from the inspiration of the natural world around us.

Joon Dance will be using their theme for the year, ‘Outside In’ and inviting our beautiful surrounding landscape into the theatre. By using both traditional and non-traditional parts of the theatre for performance Joon Dance will reveal the creative potential of the whole building. The piece welcomes dance and community to celebrate the wonderful space in and around the theatre.

Wedi’i blethu’n ddi-dor i Orymdaith Llusernau Theatr Byd Bychan ar gyfer y llwybrau celf newydd ar gyfer prosiect Abergwaun ac Wdig, Art Afoot / Celf ar Droed, mae lansiad ein gŵyl yn parhau o Sgwâr Abergwaun wrth i Joon Dance ein harwain lawr i Theatr Gwaun i berfformio eu darn dawns safle-benodol , gan droi eich sylw at y gofodau a geir ynddynt, tra'n tynnu oddi ar ysbrydoliaeth y byd naturiol o'n cwmpas.

Bydd Joon Dance yn defnyddio eu thema am y flwyddyn, ‘Outside In’ ac yn gwahodd ein tirwedd hardd o’n cwmpas i’r theatr. Trwy ddefnyddio rhannau traddodiadol ac anhraddodiadol y theatr ar gyfer perfformiad bydd Joon Dance yn datgelu potensial creadigol yr adeilad cyfan. Mae'r darn yn croesawu dawns a chymuned i ddathlu'r gofod hyfryd yn y theatr ac o'i chwmpas.

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