On Land's Edge Festival 2024

OLE - FADDS Youth Promenade Theatre Performance

Main 4K

Saturday 21 Sep 2024, 13:15  - ends at 14:30

The FADDS Youth Team return for another Festival Promenade Theatre session to brighten up our Saturday Programme! They will take our festival theme of 'borders' and weave their creative genius through it to produce this year's alfresco (and indoor) entertainment along the Golden Mile (and TG's stage).

Aged 0 – 100? Join us for a FREE unique experience in Promenade Theatre.  Gather at Fishguard Town Hall at 1:15pm, the performance concludes at Theatr Gwaun at approximately 2:30pm.

Mae FADDS Youth yn dychwelyd am sesiwn Theatr Promenâd yr Ŵyl arall i fywiogi ein Rhaglen Sadwrn! Byddant yn mynd â thema ein gŵyl o 'ffiniau' ac yn gweu eu hathrylith greadigol drwyddi i gynhyrchu adloniant alfresco (a dan do) eleni ar hyd y Filltir Aur (a llwyfan TG).

0 – 100 oed? Ymunwch â ni am brofiad unigryw AM DDIM yn Theatr y Promenâd. Ymgynnull yn Neuadd y Dref Abergwaun am 1:15yp, daw'r perfformiad i ben yn Theatr Gwaun am tua 2:30yp.

Choose Seats (Click the Seating Plan to select each Seat in turn, up to 50 in total)


Snr Citizen£0.00
Friend Of TG£0.00
Student / Unwaged£0.00