
OLE - The Ugly Ducking

Main 4K

Sunday 22 Sep 2024, 14:00  - ends at 15:00

Float downstream with the Story Man, in Sea Legs Puppet Theatre’s gentle, musical adaptation of Hans Christian Anderson’s classic tale of belonging and identity.

Meet a host of colourful characters, as they run the troubled duckling out of the farmyard into a cold, lonely wilderness. Journey through the seasons as the hapless creature finds his way in a hostile world.

Nofio i lawr yr afon gyda’r Story Man, yn addasiad cerddorol tyner Theatr Bypedau Sea Legs o stori glasurol Hans Christian Anderson am berthyn a hunaniaeth.

Dewch i gwrdd â llu o gymeriadau lliwgar, wrth iddynt redeg yr hwyaden fach gythryblus allan o fuarth y fferm i anialwch oer, unig. Teithiwch drwy'r tymhorau wrth i'r creadur truenus ffeindio'i ffordd mewn byd gelyniaethus.

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