
TG Charity Gala

Ffwrn Gala

Saturday 5 Oct 2024, 19:00  - ends at 23:00

Theatr Gwaun's Charity Gala is being held at FFWRN and guests should start arriving at 7:00pm for a welcome drink accompanied by Eliza Bradbury on harp. Dinner and live entertainment will start at 7:30pm.

Dinner is a 3 course Italian style set menu and you are asked to email with dietary requirements (vegetarian, vegan, gluten free). If no dietary requests are given, the set menu will be offered.

The dress code is black tie or smart evening wear.

Please do not leave spaces between your bookings. If you do not have a whole table reserved, then it is likely that different parties will share tables.

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Mae'r Gala Elusennol Theatr Gwaun yn cael ei chynnal yn FFWRN a dylai gwesteion ddechrau cyrraedd am 7:00pm i gael diod croeso. Bydd cinio ac adloniant byw yn dechrau am 7:30pm.

Mae cinio yn fwydlen set 3 chwrs Eidalaidd a gofynnir i chi anfon e-bost at gyda gofynion dietegol (llysieuol, fegan, heb glwten).  Os na roddir ceisiadau dietegol, cynigir y fwydlen benodol.

Tei du neu gwisg smart gyda'r nos yw'r cod gwisg.

Peidiwch â gadael bylchau rhwng eich archebion. Os nad oes gennych fwrdd cyfan wedi'i gadw, yna mae'n debygol y bydd gwahanol bartïon yn rhannu tablau.

Choose Seats (Click the Seating Plan to select each Seat in turn, up to 50 in total)

