
Ein Hanes-Twm Carnabwth & The Rebecca Riots

Main 4K

Wednesday 11 Sep 2024, 18:00  - ends at 19:15

The speaker, Hefin Wyn will explain the background that gave rise to the Rebecca insurgency; the part played initially by the larger than life character from Mynachlog-ddu, Thomas Rees; the role played by a certain Rebecca Phillips; the Fishguard connection, and how Twm Carnabwth, the pugilist, became Thomas Rees, the devout chapelgoer, in his later years.

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Bydd y siaradwr, Hefin Wyn yn egluro’r cefndir a arweiniodd at wrthryfel Beca; y rhan a chwaraewyd i ddechrau gan y cymeriad mwy nag oes o Fynachlog-ddu, Thomas Rees; rôl rhyw Rebecca Phillips; cysylltiad Abergwaun, a sut y daeth Twm Carnabwth, y pugilydd, yn Thomas Rees, y capelwr selog, yn ei flynyddoedd olaf.

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