
OLE - Simffoni Mara

Main 4K

Sunday 22 Sep 2024, 19:30  - ends at 21:30

Once again we close the weekend with our Simffoni Mara evening. This year sees new music from David Pepper and Jobina Tinnemans, another new collaboration with Visual Artist Connor Malone and poetry readings from Ceri Wyn Jones, Alex Barr, Mike Ponsford, Rosemarie Barr and Sue Duggan.

Simffoni Mara is a collaborative project, inspired by lyrics and visuals, based on life on the edge of the Irish Sea, life on it and life underneath it.

Unwaith eto rydym yn cloi'r penwythnos gyda'n noson Simffoni Mara. Eleni bydd cerddoriaeth newydd gan David Pepper a Jobina Tinnemans, cydweithrediad newydd arall gyda’r Artist Gweledol Connor Malone a darlleniadau barddoniaeth gan Ceri Wyn Jones, Alex Barr, Mike Ponsford, Rosemarie Barr a Sue Duggan.

Mae Simffoni Mara yn brosiect cydweithredol, wedi’i ysbrydoli gan delynegion a delweddau, yn seiliedig ar fywyd ar ymyl Môr Iwerddon, bywyd arno a bywyd oddi tano.

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